6 tanker om “She comes in colors”

  1. I’d like to make something that begins “She rides in beauty through the night of snowless streets and neon lights . . . ” and then check it with the translator . . . but it’s been just too long since I had Danish lessons from Birgitte! It’s an evocative photo.

    1. I think your ‘something’ is easy and beautiful as it is.
      I can not readily get the same meaning in Danish without using many words and then falls your beautiful simplicity to the ground.
      Perhaps your former teacher have a suggestion?
      Now I wonder what would come after the beginning??

      1. Oh dear. I was writing with a nod to Byron’s “She walks in beauty like the night . . . ” and wished to finish the thought, when it occurred to me that the allusion might lose something in the translation, and that in any case I could not do a competent translation. Maybe just the beginning all by itself will do? Maybe Professor Birgitte has a Danish edition of Byron?

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