Skyer over Bayern | The clouds in Bavaria

Der er smukt i Bayern. Billederne er taget omkring Kochelsee og Walchensee, pÃ¥ den nordlige grænse af Foralperne. Ugens input til ‘Sunday Stills’
The landscape in Bavaria is beautiful. The images are from the area with the lakes Kochelsee and Walchensee at the northern edge of the Alps.
The weather was fine – spiced up with a couple of short dramatic thunderstorms with hail sized as hazelnuts.
My input to this weeks
‘Sunday Stills’
Læs mere Skyer over Bayern | The clouds in Bavaria

SÃ… er det koldt | Freezing cold

Det er blevet vinter. -11 C allerede. Måske koldere i løbet af natten.
Og sÃ¥. Gæt engang. Vi løb tør for olie engang i eftermiddags….
Ok, vi skal skifte olietank, så er der da det mindre at flytte på.
Som modvægt til kulden viser jeg et billede fra i sommers:

The winter came. -11 Centigrade = 12 deg Farenheit and probably colder during the night.
And if it is not enough: We ran out of oil this afternoon.
Ok, the oiltank is due for changing, so we have less to move tomorrow.
To compensate for the frost I present a picture from last summer.
