2 000 000 000 seconds…….
Ha, ha – det er for varmt idag til at jeg magter at omregne dette til noget mere velkendt. Og velsagtens “rundt”!
Men tillykke med de mange sekunder!!!!!
Så skal jeg hjælpe. Et år er:
60 sekunder x 60 min x 24 hr x 365,25 d svarende til 31 557 600 sekunder.
Nu er det heller ikke sÃ¥ varmt længere 🙂
Og jeg takker…
SÃ¥ er du LIDT ældre end jeg er. Selvom det jo lyder af meget, nÃ¥r du udregner din alder i sekunder…..
Holder du sÃ¥ kun fest hver gang du runder en ny milliard sek.? 😉
And it never stops! Another 864000 seconds have flown past since you posted this and here I am finally wishing you a belated happy birthday. That is a lot of seconds. Not so many birthdays. May you dance many many more of both.
Our perception of time is interesting. Stella is nearly 10 Months. She does not need to think about time. For Dicte and Frida there are incredibly long time before the summer holiday starts.
I do what I can to see them as much as possible. While I am pleased to relive their parents as children.
If the opportunity comes, I will ask you for a dance.
Thank you so much for your congratulation dear Isabella.
It wasn’t really a birthday. I turned 63 last January. One day I calculated how many seconds had gone since I was born and it turned out that it was slightly less than 2 billion. A few days later I wrote this post.
Now it’s long time ago:-)
I’m really happy for hearing from you again. I hope you are well.
Blogging isn’t very active these days.
2 000 000 000 seconds…….
Ha, ha – det er for varmt idag til at jeg magter at omregne dette til noget mere velkendt. Og velsagtens “rundt”!
Men tillykke med de mange sekunder!!!!!
Så skal jeg hjælpe. Et år er:
60 sekunder x 60 min x 24 hr x 365,25 d svarende til 31 557 600 sekunder.
Nu er det heller ikke sÃ¥ varmt længere 🙂
Og jeg takker…
SÃ¥ er du LIDT ældre end jeg er. Selvom det jo lyder af meget, nÃ¥r du udregner din alder i sekunder…..
Holder du sÃ¥ kun fest hver gang du runder en ny milliard sek.? 😉
Helst holdt jeg fest for hver 100 000 sekunder. Men min alder taget i betragtning går det med 1 000 000
And it never stops! Another 864000 seconds have flown past since you posted this and here I am finally wishing you a belated happy birthday. That is a lot of seconds. Not so many birthdays. May you dance many many more of both.
Our perception of time is interesting. Stella is nearly 10 Months. She does not need to think about time. For Dicte and Frida there are incredibly long time before the summer holiday starts.
I do what I can to see them as much as possible. While I am pleased to relive their parents as children.
If the opportunity comes, I will ask you for a dance.
I will practice, just in case.
I never liked nor understood much about numbers…so whatever birthday you were celebrating, dear Carsten, please accept my best belated wishes 🙂
Thank you so much for your congratulation dear Isabella.
It wasn’t really a birthday. I turned 63 last January. One day I calculated how many seconds had gone since I was born and it turned out that it was slightly less than 2 billion. A few days later I wrote this post.
Now it’s long time ago:-)
I’m really happy for hearing from you again. I hope you are well.
Blogging isn’t very active these days.