4 tanker om “Spor | Tracks”

  1. Jernbane terrænet her er et super sted at gå på foto jagt. Du har fanget den specielle stemning her fint!

  2. I do not know what the two of you whisper ;)… but for me this photo is perfect in B&W. The image looks a bit from another time, in an abandonned place. Quite an interesting mood there.

    1. Then I’ll tell you Isabelle.
      Truels says that the old railway terrain is perfect for “photo-hunting”, and that I’ve caught the special mood.
      My reply is that it was too late in the evening, and that I have to go there again when there is more light.
      – Or something like that.
      Many of my images are in B&W these days. Maybe because I seek subjects which are best expressed that way? And you’re right. The area is more or less abandoned.

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