From above

Summer holidays are finished soon.
This view of the alps was shot on our vacation to Italy. Click on the image for a larger version.

12 tanker om “From above”

    1. You’re right. It’s magic. I printed the image and when is came out of the printer upside down I couldn’t recognize it. Try and see the difference.

  1. Hej Carsten. Et rigtig flot fly-foto med fantastisk dybde og magisk lys og toner.
    Jeg håber du har haft en dejlig ferie sydpå?
    NÃ¥r jeg flyver og er heldig at sidde ved vindue, fÃ¥r jeg tit lyst til at tage fotos (som dog ofte ikke bliver vellykkede som dette!). Det er nogle fantastisk forskellige landskaber og “sky-skaber” man ser, jeg kan sidde længe bare og beundre disse – og hvordan de hele tiden ændre under flyvningen.

    1. Mange tak Truels, vi har virkelig nydt vores ferie i år. Jeg ser at du har været meget længere væk. Det var forhåbentlig også en god rejse.
      Med hensyn til fotografering gennem flyvinduer, så er det sjældent at man er heldig at skydækket, rene vinduer og lys giver mulighed for gode billeder. Men man kan sidde og nyde synet i timevis.

    1. Are you a Tolkien fan too?
      I’ve loved his fantastic world for m a n y years. I was glad when I saw that the movies were so close to my own pictures of Tolkiens fantastic world.

  2. I was mesmerized to begin with, and then I . . . clicked. At first all I could see was the beautiful blue. Then I noticed the rivers deep in the valleys. Then I realized that they couldn’t possibly be rivers. Then I spent some time thinking about what it would be like to travel on those roadways (auto? rail?), across the bridge, through the tunnel, deep in the mountains. Not just any mountains either. Then I spent some time thinking about what it must have been like to build the roadway, the bridge, the tunnel. Compelling image, Carsten.

    1. Thank you so much Gerry. I was just the humble viewer, taking an image from above. Maybe we should ask Isabelle for telling about how it is living in that beautiful country.

  3. Fantastic ! Where about is it in the Alps ? Over Italy, Switzerland, France ? Maybe I am somewhere down there ? A truly magnificent image that show both the variety of the alpine landscape and valleys and their beauty in such a misty sky. A superb image, Carsten.
    I like Gerry’s comment too because she is so true about all it needed to facilitate life for its inhabitants : roads, tunnels, railways, bridges, irrigation canals. Alps are not just mountains, there is life on their slopes and down in the valleys. Yet, they are not fully tamed and will never be.

    1. Actually, I had you in mind when I shot pictures of the Alps. Seeing unknown landscapes from above makes political borders meaningless. This means that I don’t know where it is 🙂
      I find The Alps absolutely breathtaking. Compare the landscape to Denmark, where the highest point is about 172 m above the sea level. Well then we have around 7314 km long borderline to the sea. And no point more than 52 km from the sea. As the mountains, the sea will never be fully tamed.

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