En gentagelse fra 2008. Dette er det ABSOLUT mest besøgte billede pÃ¥ min blog. Jeg er altid glad for kommentarer, især vil jeg godt vide hvorfor der er flere besøg pÃ¥ dette, end der er pÃ¥ alle de andre tilsammen. Nogen af jer ved hvorfor. Lad mig det vide ogsÃ¥…
Here is a reprise from 2008. This is by far the most visited image on my blog. I’m always happy with the comments I get. In this case I’d like to know why this image has more visits than all the others together. Some of you know – please let me too.
My guess is the variety of vibrant color, and your composition. The diagonal walkway leads my eye back along the tree lined waterway. You have chosen a restful scene and when I look at it, I linger there imagining myself sitting among the autumn leaves and dreaming the day away.
Thank you for your nice words Karen.
-Still I wonder why it gets nearly more views than all the rest. TOGETHER!
Wonderful colors and mood. Really like it 🙂
Thanks Silvia.
It is a beautiful and well composed shot, Carsten, the bench in the front attracts your eyes and then you walk slowly along the path admiring the shades, the light through the branches, it is harmonious and very paintinglike. Maybe people feel like this too ? a relaxing moment in your surroundings.
You’re probably right Isabelle.
Thanks for your comment. It’s very welcome.