Scott Thomas har udskrevet endnu en udfordring.
Denne gang er temaet: “November“. Læs hans korte instruktion og deltag. Jo flere, der er med,  jo sjovere er det.
Scott Thomas called us for the last time this year – perhaps.
This time the assignment theme is: “November“. Read his short instructions and participate.
Scott has an extraordinary sunset with magnificent colors. That is not my kind of November. I think of  November as one of – perhaps the darkest months of the year.
Late sunrise, early sunset.
Most days are gray and rainy. At least this year.
The storms effectively rips off the last colored leaves and lets the trees stand naked until spring.
But, even the wind has to rest. Then it’s good to take a walk in the woods and to the lake.
I like when nature is in this mood.
The wind hasn’t needed a rest yet. Until then we’ll have to settle with this image from ’08.