Freezing cold, but the pictures are beautiful!
It’s bitter cold here, too (but no snow), and strangely enough it was just as cold in Indiana when we were there, but the snow somehow made it seem not as cold.
I’m happy to tell you that the temperature suddently switched to the better side of zero. Unfortunately this means lots of clouds, so the pictures will have to wait a couple of days.
Freezing cold, but the pictures are beautiful!
It’s bitter cold here, too (but no snow), and strangely enough it was just as cold in Indiana when we were there, but the snow somehow made it seem not as cold.
Thanks Michaela.
It was not too cold. -10 deg.C
But today we are warned about high wind speeds.
It might feel as below -20 deg C = -4 F
I thought it was cold here… but your temperatures are far below ours ! What gorgeous pictures and shades though !
I’m happy to tell you that the temperature suddently switched to the better side of zero. Unfortunately this means lots of clouds, so the pictures will have to wait a couple of days.