Do you remember Lises medal?
Forfatter: Carsten
2019 02 14 at 11:15
They call it Valentine’s Day.
From here it is a very special day. And we are very sad.
Our very good friend throughout our adult life is dead. His soul has moved on without us.
Dear friend, who will now be the one to enrich and brighten up any occasion.
You have enriched the lives of so many people, not least the children who have had you as a role model.
Ask the eldest, ask the youngest. We all knows who you were.
Our tears cannot erase all the good memories you leave behind.
Enjoy your voyage Michael Karlsson.
A day in the forest
Time and light
Today is december 19.
This indicates that time is running faster than light. At least faster than this candle. Maybe it’s just because that Chistmas is approaching and there is so much to do.
Seasons tree
For the skilled worker
This fine building is located in Central Copenhagen. Just a few hundred meters from the queens residence, Amalienborg.
Fall 2018
Summer in Denmark
Another wonderful day
Easter ‘18
2 1/2 years old and not engaged. – Yet.
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Af Johannes Møllehave
(Skrevet til Kræftens Bekæmpelses
75 års jubilæumsfest i Det Kgl. Teater
den 23. oktober 2003)