17 tanker om “EfterÃ¥r 2010 | Autumn 2010”

  1. Love the shots with the water and reflections – very pretty. The forest pictures with the paths running through look like a wonderful place to take a walk with my dogs.

  2. Thanks Karen.
    You shall be welcome.
    If anybody must cross the forest this morning they will need a place by the fire with a cup of hot cocoa – or glögg.

  3. Bravo! You figured out the self-hosted slideshow! And then executed it beautifully.

    I am enchanted with the path that disappears over the hill, and with the wiggly reflection of the tree trunk. I am also eaten with curiosity about the idea for Something Completely Different.

    1. It took some time to make it work. I’d probably given it up if not for the fact that it worked on an other wordpress installation.
      The places in the collection of images are shot on my favourite jogging route through the forest.

  4. What a great kaléidoscope of your Autumn, Carsten ! I like all pictures particularly those bright leaves and sunlit forests. I hope you enjoyed many walks through those beautiful woods. Great photos indeed ! Well done.

    1. Thanks Isabelle. I like the route through the forest. —When it is possible. Today we had more than 30 cm (1 ft) snow, and more is coming.

  5. Maybe you did not find what you were looking for – but you found motives for some excellent images 😉 – especially the images of the reflections from the trees in the water – not least the close-up! And what a lovely place you live, Carsten!

    1. Thank you very much Truels.
      When I see the pictures from where you live, I want to go and visit that part of Denmark.
      Now it in not autumn anymore, but white and cold winter…

      1. If you come to Eastern Jutland – you must tell me. You are very welcome here in MÃ¥rslet! Og vi taler dansk 😉

  6. What beautiful nature photos! I particularly like the first photo of the trees and their reflections, as well as the reflection of the trees in the water.

  7. Beautiful Autumn collection Carsten. I love the wooden path that disappear and the reflection shots, the leaves colors are beautiful also.

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