Det havde jeg aldrig forestillet mig | I’d never imagine this

I’m very greatful my friend Alexander drew my attention to this. I have been very fond of Disney since childhood. In fact, I learned reading by myself when my father read comics for us two boys. Salvador Dali became one of my favourites later.

It would be interesting to know what you think of this.

8 tanker om “Det havde jeg aldrig forestillet mig | I’d never imagine this”

  1. I never would have imagined Disney and Dali together either. I am a fan of Dali, more so than Disney, but both were genius. I think what I found the most intriguing was the use of various Dali pieces to create one cohesive story. I must say I couldn’t stop watching…

    1. The project was on the shelf for many years. It was put there because Dali requested more money than Disney found reasonable. I couldnt stop either.

  2. I’ll let you know my thoughts when I’m able to get over to a fast internet connection to see the video! Dali and Disney, eh? It is such an interesting world . . .

    1. Hi Gerry. Once it was a revolution to have an internet connection. Now you need a fast connection. Imagine what the next barrier will be?

  3. Thanks for sharing this creative piece. WD has always been a favorite of mine since I grew up about 30 miles from his boyhood home. Next barrier… more than one fast connection and the longing for some privacy!! : )

    1. You’re right Dana. Our need for speed increases all the time. For the time being I’m satisfied. But the applications seem to demand ever increasing bandwidth.
      I was very impressed by WD when I grew up.
      …Privacy! That is an interesting issue. If you have too little, you will long for it. If you have ‘too much’ you will long for company.

  4. Bizarre, beautiful, and brilliant…I was mesmerized. I will have to watch it again and again before being able to process it and understand it entirely. Or maybe my goal should be to simply process it. Not sure if I’ll ever “understand” Dali. lol I always feel a bit daft when viewing his work.

    1. Hi Kanniduba. I’m glad you liked it too. We are lucky they didn’t throw that old work away.
      I do not understand the movie – or the world. I just enjoy it 🙂

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