10 tanker om “Farver | Colors”

    1. So it caught you too.
      Special friend, that is interesting. Your friend shall be welcome here.
      (The species is: Cornus Alba – Sibirica, or Red-Barked Dogwood)

    1. The days are getting shorter. In less than two weeks the time will shift back to ‘normal time’ which means that it will be dark when we leave work in the afternoon.

  1. Carsten, this is a great shot! The beautiful red leaf with back-light and the background- from dark at the bottom to magic blurry blue in the top – it’s just SO fine! And it is of one of my favorite plants 😉 – a Red-Barked Dogwood – in Danish: Hvid kornel ( http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hvid_Kornel ). It’s funny with those plant-names: I often get surprised when I translate Danish names to English! – Here the Danish name is from the (white) flower, and the English name is from the red branches and red fall-colour of the leaves….

    1. Thank you for your kind words Truels.
      I had to look the plant up for finding the English name. Then I was surprised. My mother used to call it “Rød kornel”, and I naturally adopted this name.
      Now I’ll have to adjust my vocabulary.
      -In my age!!

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