Statuer i Cisternerne | Statues in the cisterns

Mere information på engelsk.

This year I started presenting “As Shot”  images. Except the panorama from Bornholm. That is: No cropping or adjustments. This time I played a little with the B&W and color balance. The light in the cellars is yellow, so there are almost no ‘real colors’. Click the image to see the original.


SÃ… er det koldt | Freezing cold

Det er blevet vinter. -11 C allerede. Måske koldere i løbet af natten.
Og sÃ¥. Gæt engang. Vi løb tør for olie engang i eftermiddags….
Ok, vi skal skifte olietank, så er der da det mindre at flytte på.
Som modvægt til kulden viser jeg et billede fra i sommers:

The winter came. -11 Centigrade = 12 deg Farenheit and probably colder during the night.
And if it is not enough: We ran out of oil this afternoon.
Ok, the oiltank is due for changing, so we have less to move tomorrow.
To compensate for the frost I present a picture from last summer.
