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My daugthers friend. Too young to die.
Mere information på engelsk.
This year I started presenting “As Shot” images. Except the panorama from Bornholm. That is: No cropping or adjustments. This time I played a little with the B&W and color balance. The light in the cellars is yellow, so there are almost no ‘real colors’. Click the image to see the original.
 De tre gratier, som står på Ny Carlsberg Glyptoteket.
“De tre gratier” – ” The three Graces” From the museum “Ny Carlsberg Glyptoteket” in Copenhagen. Carl Jacobsen, the founder of Carlsberg Breweries, was a passionate art lover. He gathered a large collection of art from all times and many parts of the world.
Jeg har lige set en udsendelse om klimaforandringer og global opvarmning.
SÃ¥: Mere af dette:
I have just watched a program about climate changes and global warming.
Let’s have more of this:
The picture is from Thy in the northern part of Jutland.
Det er blevet vinter. -11 C allerede. Måske koldere i løbet af natten.
Og sÃ¥. Gæt engang. Vi løb tør for olie engang i eftermiddags….
Ok, vi skal skifte olietank, så er der da det mindre at flytte på.
Som modvægt til kulden viser jeg et billede fra i sommers:
The winter came. -11 Centigrade = 12 deg Farenheit and probably colder during the night.
And if it is not enough: We ran out of oil this afternoon.
Ok, the oiltank is due for changing, so we have less to move tomorrow.
To compensate for the frost I present a picture from last summer.