December VIII

Kristtorn, Ilex Aquifolium, passer til juletid. Brug den til dekorationer, eller lad fuglene æde bærrene når de har fået frost. Farverne er fantastiske.

Holly, Ilex Aquifolium, with it’s fruits is very decorative. Use them indoors for decorations or leave it outside. The birds will eat the berries when the frost have prepared them. The colors are beautiful.


5 tanker om “December VIII”

  1. I guess my birds were especially hungry this fall. The berries were all gone a month ago and it didn’t freeze until a couple of days ago. I’m jealous of your beautiful photograph! I have none for decorating this year.

  2. Thanks Dana and Olivier. I think there are plenty of food for the birds at this time of the year. Maybe it is why the berries are still there.

  3. Holly does not grow around upstate New York but when I spent time in the northwest one time, I was amazed at the Holly trees which grew up to 40 feet high.

    Enjoying your Christmas traditions and the comings and goings of ‘Nisse’. 🙂

  4. We have a large Holly tree in our garden. I estimate it is more than 8 m, or 26 feet. 40 feet is HUGE! You can see it here: , a little to the right and far behind the fireplace.
    It is another specie than on above photo. The leaves are much lighter green.
    Thanks Scott. I’ll be alert if more Nisser shows up.

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