December 23

On my long and difficult way to work yesterday…(click)

It was a freezing cold night. Temperatures measured down to -8.5 F!! (-22.5C)
My car decided to stay home for the day, so I had to take the bus. That means walking a good kilometer in the snow. The bus frequency should be 9 – 10 minutes between, but I had to stand still waiting for more than 20 minutes. After the 1 hr bus ride – in a cold bus -10 minutes walk in this beautiful morning 🙂 My feet were like ice for the next hours.

I wish you all a very good Christmas and a happy New Year.

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of meeting two of my Danish blog friends. A special greeting to you:
Jeg glæder mig over den overraskelse det var at møde jer. Måske kan det ske igen. Jeg ønsker jer og jeres en glædelig jul og et lykkeligt nyt år.

To my frequent visitors from around the world (Germany, for example) : It would be nice to know who you are. Please feel free to write a couple of words. Merry Christmas.

8 tanker om “December 23”

  1. Brrr…. I would have been frozen solid! 😉
    I remember how cold it was in Denmark when I was there in January 1987. We didn’t spend much time outside.
    The photo is beautiful. Good luck, getting those frequent visitors to come out of hiding.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    1. Thanks Michaela.
      Denmark can be really nice in the summertime. You could come back when all the children are old enough to enjoy the journey.
      More Merry Christmas to all of you. 😉

  2. And then you had to do that same journey in reverse to get home! Oh, brrr. Even the photo looks cold. Brr. It’s beautiful, though, isn’t it–that cold dawn? But I can feel the ache in my feet. One year I went so far as to buy those big puffy “moon boots” meant for little kids. I looked ridiculous, but my feet loved them. Brrrr!

    Merry Christmas, Carsten. May you have a wonderful warm family holiday.

    1. Thank you Gerry. Merry Christmas to you too.
      I’m probably repeating myself. Anyway, I mean it 🙂
      My brother and I works in the same company. He drove me home and out buying a new battery and helped me install it in the car. I have a very good brother!!!

  3. This made me think of the time I was living in NYC, waiting for the bus seems like eternity.

    Merry Christmas and a happy Holiday to you and your family. 🙂

  4. Det var en rigtig hyggelig overraskelse at mødes til den dejlige koncert. Glædelig jul og godt nytår! Måske mødes vi pludselig igen i det nye år?! Er det dit hus vi ser på billedet??

    1. Jeg synes ogsÃ¥ at det var et hyggeligt lykketræf. Men alt for kort! Vi kan hÃ¥be pÃ¥ at mødes tilfældigt igen, eller arbejde pÃ¥ det…
      Det er mit hus på den 18. December.
      Glædelig jul Truels.

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