Early winter

Current price on gasoil in Denmark is: (take care, here it comes)
DKK 12.13 / liter or 8.84 USD pr gallon
My car runs 9 km pr liter, or 21.2 miles on a gallon
I wonder what the price will be in a year from now. DKK 15 ???
Just to let you know.
This is my contribution to Scott Thomas’Assignment 16: Best Photos of 2011
Please note that these photos are NOT the best from 2011. But they are mine. They are picked from the more than 10,000 photos shot since November 2010. You might have seen some of them before.
Click continue to see the pictures.
Læs mere Best Photos of 2011
If you wonder about the title, you might have a look at the previous post.
Læs mere Inchies Integrated
This is my contribution to Scott Thomas’ 10th assignment: “Autumn 2010“.
I did not find the motive I was looking for in due time. If it pops up later I will post it and let you know about my idea.
Instead: Enjoy some views from my surroundings.
I dag vil jeg prøve at anvende denne automatiske oversætter.
Jeg vil benytte lejligheden til at sige tak for de positive kommentarer til mine billeder på bloggen. Både her, og dem på min e-mail.
Denne oversættelse ser for mig ud til at fungere tilfredsstillende. Oven i købet kan jeg også høre udtalen.
Prøv at brug den, der er mange muligheder.
Today I will try to use this automatic translator.
I take this opportunity to say thanks for the positive comments for my pictures on the blog. Both here and those on my e-mail.
This translation seems to me to function satisfactorily. On top of that, I can also hear the pronunciation. Try to use it, there are many possibilities.
Just outside the oldest part of Copenhagen there is a beautiful small palace: Rosenborg.