Autumn is – if not over, then burried in snow. This is the view through our window. -I did NOT go out to take pictures.
The picture was taken with my iPhone. Everything was blurry anyway caused by all the snow.
Kategori: Vinter | Winter
Stadig koldt | Still cold
Frysende koldt | Freezing cold
De sidste blomster | The last flowers
Endnu et træ | Another tree
December XXIV
December XX
December XIX
December XVI
December XIV
December XI
December VIII
Kristtorn, Ilex Aquifolium, passer til juletid. Brug den til dekorationer, eller lad fuglene æde bærrene når de har fået frost. Farverne er fantastiske.
Holly, Ilex Aquifolium, with it’s fruits is very decorative. Use them indoors for decorations or leave it outside. The birds will eat the berries when the frost have prepared them. The colors are beautiful.