Kategori: Sommer | Summer
Skyer over Bayern | The clouds in Bavaria
Der er smukt i Bayern. Billederne er taget omkring Kochelsee og Walchensee, pÃ¥ den nordlige grænse af Foralperne. Ugens input til ‘Sunday Stills’
The landscape in Bavaria is beautiful. The images are from the area with the lakes Kochelsee and Walchensee at the northern edge of the Alps.
The weather was fine – spiced up with a couple of short dramatic thunderstorms with hail sized as hazelnuts.
My input to this weeks ‘Sunday Stills’
Læs mere Skyer over Bayern | The clouds in Bavaria
Solsikker | Sunflowers
Happy 4. of July
Femkløver | Five-leafed clover
Look what I found! I used to have a lucky eye when searching for four-leafed shamrocks. But I have never ever before seen one with five. Here it is:
Jeg plejer at have øje for at finde firkløver. Her fandt jeg en FEMKLØVER! -Har aldrig set det før, men her er den:
Before I brutally ripped it from the ground it had one leaf hidden behind an other:
Solnedgang over Sjælsø¸ | Sunset at Sjælsø
Baghaven | Home
This is a view of my backyard – just after the rain. If you like green, this is the place to be. The air is clean when the rain has washed out all the pollen and dust, leaving only the wonderful smell of the beech wood and the fresh cut grass.
The ‘thing’ on the lawn is a fireplace. When the weather allows it we light a fire there and sit around it playing a guitar. Or talking about anything or nothing. Or relaxing with a cold beer – watching the bats hunting insects.
Her er lige et billede af min baghave. Umiddelbart efter en regnbyge. Kan du lide grønt, så er det her! Luften er så ren, når regnen har vasket pollen og støv ud. Tilbage er kun duften af bøgetræer og nyslået græs.
Valmuer | Poppies
Solhverv | Noctilucent clouds
I dag er årets længste dag. Døgnet startede med høje lyse natskyer.
Today is the longest day of the year. It started with Noctilucent clouds a phenomen about 50 miles altitude – In denmark they are called: ‘High bright nightclouds’ – directly translated. A short beautiful night to start a lazy sunday…
Frederiksborg Slot | Frederiksborg Castle
Tusindfrydsslåning | The Daisy mower
Blomstersjov | Just for fun
Rør i vand | Reflections
Sommerstart | Summer is here
Grøn energi | Green energy
Jeg har lige set en udsendelse om klimaforandringer og global opvarmning.
SÃ¥: Mere af dette:
I have just watched a program about climate changes and global warming.
Let’s have more of this:
The picture is from Thy in the northern part of Jutland.