Bjørn Nimand
Det har været en smuk dag i dag. Og en vemodig dag.
Vi måtte sige farvel til vores kære ven gennem 45 år.
Bjørn trådte forkert, faldt og endte brat sit liv alt for tidligt. I dag ville Bjørn have fyldt 59 å.
De musikalske brødre, venner og kolleger, samt ikke mindst familien, mødtes i kapellet og gjorde Bjørns afsked smuk og rørende.
Efterfølgende samvær i hjemmet med musik og nærvær afsluttede højtidelighederne.
Bjørn efterlader sig tre brave kvinder. Sin hustru og to store døtre.
Æret være dit minde Bjørn.
It was a beautiful day today. And a melancholy day.
We had to say goodbye to our dear friend through 45 years.
Bjørn took a wrong step and fell. Abruptly ending his life far too early. Today would have been Bjørns 59 years birthday.
His musical brothers, friends and colleagues, and especially the family, met in the chapel and made Bjørns farewell beautiful and touching.
Subsequent togetherness at his home with music and intimacy completed the ceremonies.
Bjørn is survived by his three brave women. His wife and two great daughters.
We honor your memory Bjørn.
Wonderfully wet water
Guldsmed | Dragonfly
Summer days brings many of these elegant flyers. Direct translation of their Danish name is: “Gold Smith”, But I like the English name so much better. Dragonfly!
If any of you happen to know its name, I’d like to know.
I found a little trick for taking photos of this insect. Put a thin stick vertically in the ground and wait. They prefer sitting on or close to the top of thin vertical branches. In this case I picked a bamboo about 3/8 inch thick 4 feet long. After less than a minute this one posed for me.
The camera was on the tripod and ready to shoot with help of the IR-remote.
Click to see details.
Mærkedag | A red letter day
Scale in photography
My contrubution to Scott Thomas’ 14th assignment: “Showing Scale in Photography” – is this little fraction of a great moment.
The tiny girl was born 2011-07-16. Welcome to your world Idunn.
This time I am the humble intermediary. The proud grandmother Käthe took the picture. Thanks for letting me use it.
Skyggen | The Shadow
Tillykke Lise
Turister | Tourists
Torden | Thunderstorm
Nail on tour…
The dessert of life
More micro
The ESEM at FORCE Technology is not just a microscope. It is also capable of micro machining the parts in range of its ion-beam.
In this case the nerds (My colleagues) have carved the company logo on a human hair. And a fine hair it is.
No it is NOT photoshop artistery!
This should be enough of these images for a while.
A little more on close up.
This is the head of a little spider as seen with a scanning electronbeam microscope.
The image was made by my colleagues at FORCE Technology. My inspiration for posting this one was Gerrys post “woodsy-dilemmas“.