Hyben | Rosehips
Farver | Colors
Mother and daughter
It was 20 days ago today
Oversætter | Translator
I dag vil jeg prøve at anvende denne automatiske oversætter.
Jeg vil benytte lejligheden til at sige tak for de positive kommentarer til mine billeder på bloggen. Både her, og dem på min e-mail.
Denne oversættelse ser for mig ud til at fungere tilfredsstillende. Oven i købet kan jeg også høre udtalen.
Prøv at brug den, der er mange muligheder.
Today I will try to use this automatic translator.
I take this opportunity to say thanks for the positive comments for my pictures on the blog. Both here and those on my e-mail.
This translation seems to me to function satisfactorily. On top of that, I can also hear the pronunciation. Try to use it, there are many possibilities.
Frida and Farfar
Portrait – again
My contribution to Scott Thomas’ assignment about portraiting is this image of a smiling girl.
The image was shot on a black background. I used two soft lights, one about 45 deg in front to her left and one about 90Â deg to her right.Â
The technical data are: Canon 7D with EF100mm f/2,8L Macro
Exposure:  ISO400, 1/125s, f/4.5
Raw processing: Capture One.
Cropping and jpeg processing: PS CS3
Dagens portræt| Portrait of today
Scott Thomas has set up his 9th assignment: Portraiture.
Go to his blog and read the rules. I’m sure you are welcome to join in.
The portrait of today could be my contribution, but I’m thinking of something different.
Scott Thomas har givet endnu en opgave. Det drejer sig om portrætter. Klik ind på hans blog og læs om det. Du er velkommen til at deltage. Jo flere, jo sjovere. Dagens portræt kunne være med, men jeg finder nok ud af noget andet inden fristens udløb.
Tre søstre | Three sisters
Welcome to our world
Just for fun
We are all children inside. Læs mere Just for fun
Waves on the top
This is what I wanted the slideshow for:
Læs mere Waves on the top