Efterår igen | Autumn again

En gentagelse fra 2008. Dette er det ABSOLUT mest besøgte billede pÃ¥ min blog. Jeg er altid glad for kommentarer, især vil jeg godt vide hvorfor der er flere besøg pÃ¥ dette, end der er pÃ¥ alle de andre tilsammen. Nogen af jer ved hvorfor. Lad mig det vide ogsÃ¥…

Here is a reprise from 2008. This is by far the most visited image on my blog. I’m always happy with the comments I get. In this case I’d like to know why this image has more visits than all the others together. Some of you know – please let me too.


Baghaven | Home

This is a view of my backyard – just after the rain. If you like green, this is the place to be. The air is clean when the rain has washed out all the pollen and dust, leaving only the wonderful smell of the beech wood and the fresh cut grass.
The ‘thing’ on the lawn is a fireplace. When the weather allows it we light a fire there and sit around it playing a guitar. Or talking about anything or nothing. Or relaxing with a cold beer – watching the bats hunting insects.

Her er lige et billede af min baghave. Umiddelbart efter en regnbyge. Kan du lide grønt, så er det her! Luften er så ren, når regnen har vasket pollen og støv ud. Tilbage er kun duften af bøgetræer og nyslået græs.
