
The moon was “Close-up” the other day.
Someway it inspired me to come up with this contribution to Scotts 12th assignment.

Nop! Not close enough.

What about this:

Much better, but still….

Yes. Now we’re close. I know we are, but it is hard to see without scale. Let me try this instead:

If you click on the image you’ll get a slightly larger version.
Some tech data: ISO-100 f/32 100mm 30sec

Lets look for more details:

ISO-200, f/16, 6 sec 

This is what I can resolve with My Canon 7D and 100mm MACRO 2.8L IS USM

There is also a little assignment to you my dear visitor. The task is to find out what ties these images together.
Læs mere Close-up

Wall climbing

Inspired by Gerrys “Inchies indeed“!
This fellow was climbing the wall, reaching for a window on the 2nd floor.
I think I have seen it before, but I don’t know if it was a picture of this painting, which I saw in Saxogade, few minutes walk from Copenhagen center.

It is very small. I’d prefer it 7 x 7 square centimeters. You could try clicking on the image…

Food Photography…

…is the theme of Scott Thomas’ 11th assignment.

The past weeks have been busy. I haven’t had time to read all my favourite blogs. And commenting: No way.
Never the less, I have become aware that Scott has set up another challenging assignment.
I have to respond to this.
Being busy also means that the kind of food prepared the latest days – since I saw Scotts blog – was not created for photography.
Fruit is among my favourite treats. This is what was left tonight for my still-leben.

I wish you all a happy new year. (Am I  late? – Well it is not the first time, and probably not the last :-))

If you don’t like apples. Læs mere Food Photography…